Dont Get Scammed Online!

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In My Last Blog Post, I told you what item sold the most on Ebay last week. Today, I wanna share with you some scams to watch out for on the internet so you can keep that money in your pocket. All I ask is you follow My Blog, Like My Facebook Page Or share this post. 


These guys get alot of people... Advertising "Work at home, Make a steady income" These are true, you can work at home and make a steady income, An income of 10$ per day, everyday, if you spend 8 hours trying to answer 1000 questions, and dodging all the ads that pop up when your on the survey sites. 

Some of them even charge a sign up fee, of 20$ or more, you will get frustrated quickly enough that you wont even make your 20$ back, and they get to keep that. So you basically just paid them, to be able to answer a bunch of stupid questions! Do not waste your time with online surveys.

I will continue to post researched, tried and tested methods, of how I make money online. Just go to MY WEBSITE, Scroll to the bottom of my page, And Subscribe. Or Like My Facebook Page 

My Next Post, Is going to be a good one... 


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Chris Cheslock

Self Made Media Website

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A Degree In Social Media
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